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Frequently asked questions
What is AI essay writer?
Our AI essay writer is a cutting-edge tool that uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to help students create essays on various topics in different subjects. By entering specific queries and instructions, you can get customized essays tailored to your needs.
How does the custom AI writer work?
Simply type the topic, desired length, and any specific guidelines or points you'd like to be included in your essay or copy-paste your outline, if you have one. Our custom AI writer tool will process this information and generate an essay based on your requirements.
Is safe to use?
Yes, our platform is secure. We prioritize user privacy and store neither input information for your essay nor essays you generate with our custom AI writer.
Will my essay be plagiarism-free?
Absolutely. Our AI essay writer generates content from scratch, ensuring that every essay is free from plagiarism. More so, you can get a plagiarism report for your essay. Check our prices to learn how many essays you can check with us as per your subscription.
How accurate is the AI-generated content?
Our custom AI writer is trained on vast amounts of data and aims to be accurate. However, human review and editing are advised for optimal results.
How can I customize the work with your AI essay writer?
Type precise instructions on what you want to include in your essay as well as how you want it to be written in terms of tone and voice, writing style, formatting style, etc. Check that you set all parameters and preferences for your essay.
Is there a word limit for essay requests?
There is no specific limit of words per a single essay request. Yet, there are limits based on your price plan - you can generate only 500 words a month with a free Basic subscription and as much as 60,000 words a month with our Premium+ plan.
Can I use to write my essay for any subject or topic?
Our AI is versatile and trained across a wide range of subjects, but some niche topics might require more human intervention and review.
Can the custom AI writer revise the generated essay?
While our AI essay writer strives to meet all specified requirements, it's crucial for users to review the content. If any edits are needed, the custom AI writer can follow your specific prompts as to expanding or revising the essay. You can also adjust the input parameters and generate a new essay or make manual edits as you see fit.
How much does a custom AI writer cost?
We offer several pricing plans depending on your writing needs. Please check our prices for details.
Is using an AI essay writer considered cheating?
Our custom AI writer is designed as a tool to assist students in the writing process. It's up to individual users and their institutions to determine appropriate use. Students should always adhere to the academic integrity policies established by their institution and check the policies on the use of AI-generated content to avoid any consequences.
Can I use this tool for professional or commercial writing?
While our AI essay writer was designed primarily for students, it can be utilized for various writing needs. However, remember to review and modify content as needed for your specific purpose.
Can teachers detect that the essay was written by an AI essay writer?
Our custom AI writer is designed to closely imitate human writing styles. While it's difficult for teachers to see that your essay was generated with the help of, we always recommend students to review, edit, and understand the content before submission. Your engagement and knowledge of the material is essential.
How long does it take for the custom AI writer to generate an essay?
Typically, the custom AI writer generates essays in a matter of minutes. However, it may take a little longer depending on the length and other parameters of the required essay.
Is the essay I generate with the custom AI writer truly unique?
Yes. Every essay generated by our custom AI writer is tailored based on your specific requirements and queries. Thus, it is unique and one-of-a-kind. Our AI essay writer is designed to ensure that each output does not match any other, providing original content every time.